Thursday, January 3, 2013

So, this is Retirement?

So, Friday December 28, 2012 was my last employed day, and I am now officially "retired".

Day One....I tripped in the garage, mangled my glasses, whacked my nose, and scared the daylights out of Grandpa! Managed somehow not to get 2 black eyes, but the nose is still sore 6 days later!

Day Three....New Year's Eve day...and I celebrated by getting a tattoo, pictured above. Why?...because I wanted one for 5 years!

Day Five....first afternoon volunteering! Seneca St Methodist Church, which is supported in part by my Church, has an after school program for latch key kids....45 registered! From K-12 can come in for a healthy snack (veggies and ranch dip this day), spend at least 45 minutes on homework, then "enrichment" activities like crafts, sewing, music lessons or gym. And before going home at 5:45, they get dinner! I connected with 2 young ladies who seemed to need some encouragement to stick with it and guidance to think it through. I really enjoyed it!

Day Six....spend the day being helpful and supportive to daughter Melissa. She got her driver's license and car today! For that, she took me out for Mexican food :)

So, I wonder, when do I get to sit and do nothing??

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